The Dirty Little Mermaid is an original rock and roots twist on the sordid old fairy tale that promises to take audiences to the bottom of the Mississippi River and back again in an epic and irreverent story of water, garbage and revenge.
The musical dives into the dark history between the Mississippi River and a great City on her banks. “For ten years, I lived two blocks from the Mississippi River, but could hardly see her. I wanted to tell her story,” say Kristen Evans, who wrote the script and the lyrics
The music was inspired by cabaret stars, street buskers and burlesque bars, from funk to punk, with rock, roots and blues.
Artistic team
Directed by Pamela Davis-Noland. Music directed by Shelby Herbert. Script and lyrics by Kristen Evans. Music by Kristen Evans, Shelby Herbert and Jody Mosser.
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